Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Day the Goose Got Loose

Along with the last book, this wasn't one of my favorites. The only reason I could see myself using this book in my classroom would be because the words rhyme. I could maybe also use it during a unit about feelings, but I think that might be stretching it a little. But the other animals and farm people do mention their feelings when they found out that the goose got loose. Maybe, if I worked in a school districts were a lot of families lived on farms, the students would relate to it then and they could possible share stories of when or if their animals ever got loose and what happened. 

But other then that I can't really see myself using this book. I don't like it because it is all over the place one minute it's talking about how the other farm animals feel about the loose goose situation and then on the next page with no transition the narrator says "my dad was annoyed". The illustration is of a man with his shirt off and throwing his arms in the air with a look of rage on his face. There are also policemen in front of him, so I got the impression they were there because he was acting crazy, which isn't really appropriate and has no correlation with the farm animals on the previous page. The ending is totally random as well. The first time I read it I thought it just ended with a little girl sleeping in her bed, but then I got to thinking, is this her dream that she's having? I still don't really know the exact answer, but the story would make a lot more sense if it were a dream because there is no order whatsoever. The illustrations are also very cluttered, there is so much to look at and it is distracting from the actual story. Which would make sense if it is a dream because dreams are often crowded with a lot of random information. 

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