Monday, April 20, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

This well known fairy tale is retold by Rachel Isadora. She sets the fairy tale in a lush African Forest and the a poor woodcutter needs to abandon his two children in the forest because he can no longer feed them, and their step mother wants them out. Hansel over hears his parents plan for their children and goes out in the middle of the night and collects pebbles. The next morning they are taken and left in the forest. But because Hansel dropped the pebbles he knew just where their house was and had a happy homecoming with their father, however, their stepmother was not too happy.

The next night they were left in the even darker and deeper part of the woods, but the birds ate the bread that they left to find their way home. Hansel and Gretel searched for three days, they finally came upon a house built of cake and sweets and started to eat it. An old woman came out and brought them inside and fed them a big meal. When she started to cook them, Gretel kicked her in the stove so she would burn and lite on fire. Then the two of them found their way home and rejoiced with their father, their stepmother died....

The illustrations in this book were absolutely gorgeous. They were really what made this book what it was for me. I thought that the way the illustrations were drawn really add to the over all story. I know I would defiantly have this story in my classroom in the future.

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