Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fancy Nancy

This is a wonderful story about a little girl who thinks she needs to be glamorous and fabulous all the time. She dresses up in her fanciest clothes and heels and walks around pretending she is something rich and fabulous. However, in the end she realizes she can be fabulous and herself in just her bath robe. With her parents help she can be just that. This book is just what girls need at this crucial developing stage in their lives. The confidence to be who they are and be fabulous in their own skin, not having to dress up all the time and wearing make-up. 

Especially in today's society it is important for girls and boys to be who they are without conforming to the everyday messages of appearance given to young students. I personally remember being convinced by peers and media on how I dressed and acted when I was younger. These days this is getting children in trouble and is not okay. Fancy Nancy lets children know that it is okay to be confident in your own skin. 

The illustrations in this book are big and beautiful! They have the power to catch children's attention and keep it with sparkles and bright colors. However, this book has one downfall. It is mainly focused on girls and their issues with conforming to the portrayed female appearance in the media. But what about the boys?  

1 comment:

  1. Lori,
    I really enjoyed this post and your insight on the message the media sends to young people about looks. It is so sad. As future teachers we have many things to think about..Our role will be so much more than teaching children math, science and social studies. It is our responsibility to get to know each of our students personally and reinforce what the important aspects of life are. We need to be there for our students, help them build confidence and self-esteem, and teach them the concept of power and perspective. Through children's literature, we can show them that the most important thing is embracing their individuality and letting their voice be heard.

    I've enjoyed browsing your blog and am excited to go read this book :)
